Blog 4 — Project 1 Story

Chester Middleton
2 min readMar 5, 2021


P1 — Process

For my Zen Garden project, I explored themes relating to futurism, retro aesthetics, street styles, brutalism, and more. I’ve decided to focus my design on a Japanese street wear type of style, neon colors, bulk Japanese letters, abstract shapes and designs, photography with effects, etc.


These thumbnails represent general concepts I wanted to explore, and my actual layout will most likely be different as I really can’t grasp how I want something to look completely until I actually get there and make it. The thumbnails I’ll probably take the most inspiration from is the Neo-tokyo modernism tab.

P1 — Research

Here’s a link to one of my favorite Zen Garden designs I found.

Through the Beautiful Design Resources, I also found a website called which was under the Nice Portfolios section. This website is very well made and reflects the high grade professionalism in the artists work. Clean, Corporate, but also colored almost-black to show the nature of his work and his tone.

The second site I managed to stumble upon on Behance was CRISS.CC. This guy is a self taught designer from China working on some really interesting design, his website is actually genius, hovering over the names of his work causes the sans serif to turn to outlines and your cursor turn to the work. Very interesting and in line with a style I’m a very large fan of. Happy to have found him.

P1 Process — Mockups

My first mockup based on a mixture of some vaporwave, brutalism, and Japanese streetwear.
My second mockup based on tropical settings, my main inspiration being the Hawaiian shirts you see around.

