Project 2 — Olympic Bid Logo

Chester Middleton
3 min readFeb 23, 2022


I got Toronto, Ontario!

First Rough Concepts
Type Trials for chosen logo
Final Black And White Logo
Color Trials
Final Logos

Project 2 Rationale

For this project, I was given Toronto, Ontario in the summer as my location, and I chose 2036 as my year. I immersed myself in Canadian heritage and looked into the locale of Toronto. I found a vibrant and artistic city with a very urban and modern feel.

I wanted to reflect this modernism in my logo, while also tying into the heritage of the home country. I ended up landing on a deconstructed geometric maple leaf that follows the culture of Canada, whilst not being too in your face. The leaves of the logo make up content to be used for secondary elements such as making people out of them, or location markers for the host city.

For the font I decided on Gibson in both SemiBold and Light, the reason for this was that I wanted to stay within the home of Canada for my typeface, and I wanted to choose something that reflected the modern and clean city that the Olympics this year we’re placed in. For colors I decided on using the plain and simple Olympic ring colors, as I liked the idea of variation within the logo being able to adapt to the colors behind it or situation it’s being used in.

Overall I enjoyed this project, and I believe I successfully created a brand for the city of Toronto to host it’s Olympics with. On to the next project!

